Ok, my apologies.  Somehow this thread got turned into "defining what
coworking is" and "what features the website should have"... don't get
me wrong, those are all great discussion that should happen, however,
I want to take this thread back to my original point of a simple
website that helps communicate coworking to the media and first time
visitors, etc.  People who don't have any idea what "coworking" is and
want to learn just the basics.

How we write the actual definition and content that goes onto the site
is another discussion in it's entirety.. same can be said about what
features or tools should exist for coworking... tho I would argue that
those tools are not specifically something that should be introduced
to first time visitors and the press.  What we're starting to do here,
I am afraid, is solutioneer... putting the solution before we fully
explore the problem.  The problem here has two parts 1) clarity in the
concept to non versed individuals and 2) ease of use in finding that

If we look at those problems in detail we'll get a little further
along to defining the goals of such a website, then, and only then can
we bring various solutions to the table for consideration and vet them
against the goals of the site.  If they don't match up then we need to
consider a different solution.  This will help us keep whatever
solution we come up with down to a manageable and achievable size.  We
don't need to over engineer this or have some grandiose site with the
worlds most perfect definition of what coworking is.. we just need a
site that media and the first time users can use, read and understand.

- Nick
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