
This forum has been a wonderful resource. Thank you all!
I am in the pre-catalyst (?) stage here in Portland Maine.I have the
opportunity to lease a nice space, and am trying to work out the
My obstacle right now is that in order to have flexibility in
scheduling (drop-in, part-time, etc.) I believe I'd need someone to be
at a front desk all the time.
However, we don't have someone available to do that. I'd happily do it
myself, but I travel too much.
Hiring someone seems out of the question, being too expensive, even if
they had something to do. (It's a small space. Three private offices
and up to eight workstations.)
For the ease of administration, I'm leaning toward just having people
do full-time. Far better than working alone, but not the variety and
flexibility I would ideally like.

So, I ask, what have other people done?

Any thoughts are much appreciated!


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