Hello all,

I did-so enjoy this exchange. Most lively. Here's my two cents worth.
To me? The following are the points not covered. When something new
and exciting like 'coworking' comes on the scene, it is only human-
nature to defend it; to hold the banner high and proclaim just (what)
'coworking' is---and what it isn't. But here's the dilemma. The very
reason 'coworking' is so popular and successful as a 'model' is
because it is not rigid and fixed in its structure. It is instead
pliable, malleable, mutable in its design. To try and define it
precisely would be, as one of my professors once said, " . . . like
trying to cage the wild amoeba."

Think of it this way: Imagine the very first store. And let us suppose
it sold "Dry Goods."Then? imagine another new merchant, across town,
who chooses to sell only "Toys." Is his establishment NOT a store? As
we know, now, there are all kinds of stores: dept. stores, grocery
stores, auto parts, boutiques, box stores---even online stores. Are
they all not stores?

There is a marvelous model in Silicon Valley called "Cubes and
Crayons" that offers "coworking" and day-care for toddlers. Who are we
to say that, it too, is not "coworking?"

Two points that denote a successful concept:

1.   When someone copies what you are doing---you have arrived. It
means others readily see the value in what you are
      doing and want to duplicate your success for themselves. And as
we all know, imitation (is) the highest form of flattery.

2.  When someone franchises what you are doing---hey, you *really*
have arrived. And in their version of the movie?
     Gee, let'em wear suits if they want to.

I had only one complaint?
And here it is: I visited the link: http://allideasmatter.com/cms/  I
have to ask: So, why are they not authentic in their marketing and
messaging. Why bury the word "coworking" deep in their web-content
rather than: making it a integral part of their 'brand' or
'positioning statement' right from the get-go.

 Like I said,"...if you're 'coworking' . . . hey, hold that banner
high!" Don't make your reader/customer search for it.

Thanks for reading,

Dave B.
: :   : :   : :

On Apr 22, 11:41 am, CoCoMSP <he...@cocomsp.com> wrote:
> Hey all you groovy coworking types.
> Even here at CoCo though we're doubling down on the notion of hosting
> a unique destination coworking space, I'm fascinated by the
> possibility that somebody will eventually introduce what I
> affectionately call "McCoworking." By that I mean a chain of coworking
> spaces that are deployed across multiple locations and that employ
> economies of scale (e.g., franchising model, common systems, etc.). If
> the predictions of the
> So I just got wind of an effort based in our home state that you might
> want to check out:http://allideasmatter.com/cms/
> It appears to be a franchise model, which is interesting. Guessing
> that most of the franchisees will be in strip malls in the suburbs, as
> that's the most uniform real estate, in the most uniform markets...
> I'll let you know if I learn any more. I don't know the biz owner
> personally, but might be able to get through to him via intermediaries.

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