As many others have said, I’ve been lurking in this group for a while,
taking notes and researching.  Thank you all forthe abundance of info you
all provide!

A buddy of mine and myself and looking to open a co-working spot in Memphis.
 Prior to opening, we have many questions to see if this will work here in
Memphis.  Many of the questions we have have been discussed here.  I'm sure
each of you had questions before you opened.  Since this is a very sharp and
active group, we thought what better place to get our answers.  Questions
include How did you determine the square footage you would need, Did
you have to have signed membership agreements to get financing,
How did you do market research and get numbers to model business
projections, How did you determine your price points, ect...

Ideally we'd love to talk with a few of you by phone to get a better
understanding. If you wouldn't mind us speaking with you about this, please
email me your phone number to If not, you can just
respond to this thread.

Thanks so much,

Mathis Young

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