I am blushing, because of You now! ;-)
OK - to tell You all what we did:
1) We are cooperating (almost for free) with psycho-ontological foundation, 
which uses our space for their group trainings
2) We are giving for free our space for non profit journalist group 
(unfortunately, they don't have big network)
3) We made our space availible for free for psychological training group 
helping young people get into the grown up life (moving places and jobs)
4) We have rented for free our space for TV shooting (one of companies, not 
the channel itself)
5) I have offered (but they didn't come) free space, for social media news 
6) I have made offer for "MotherWork" ... but they made bigger and global 
event out of this, with ALL coworking spaces, and it will be "maybe" in 
october (for me it is right now very /too/ far away)
7) I gave interview for "CochingWorld" - still waiting to be printed
8) I made people write about us in local news-media: "WarsawLove", 
"Reporter", musical ".LiveLife" ...
9) I am actively present on event calles "Thursdays with Social Media"
10) My article (with data from DeskMag) was printed in paper version of 
bilingual: magazine - BECASUE I "SOLD" THE IDEA 
of coworking, as outsourcing the place to work - the article will be 
available on the website in a month 
11) I have a sponsored article (right now) on a 
and....those are the thing which I have done and which resulted in 
"something" ... or shoul 

W dniu czwartek, 13 września 2012 10:40:46 UTC+2 użytkownik Jeannine 
> Piotr,
> Hello there.  good to see you here, too.  (Guys, you have to follow this 
> guy on Facebook, <> he has a 
> truly hilariously evil sense of humor and is wicked smart).  I assume you 
> all have found the "See translation"button by now, if only because you all 
> of course follow 
> me<>. 
>  *koff*.
> The best thing I did when my space was shaking its way through the startup 
> phase was to offer it for free to 1) a theater group and 2) a local art 
> event.  The first was a good idea because nobody can get the word out 
> faster than people in theater, if they cannot do that they don't last long. 
>  (Besides, they are huge fun.  I had a party with the theater group and a 
> circus group, and it was worth it just to get to come, lol).  The second 
> was a good idea because several hundred people had a good excuse to walk in 
> and look around without feeling weird about it.
> But the nature of the thing doesn't matter:  find some nonprofit in your 
> area that needs space and give them the space for a fund raiser.  Or find 
> some need in your community that isn't being taken care of and fill it. 
>  Make sure that the people who care about that overlaps to some extent with 
> your desired members.  Do something for somebody else, it will get you 
> noticed. Organize a Cashmob <>, people like new, 
> shiny stuff and buy local is hip these days.  Something like that.
> Jeannine
> On Thursday, September 13, 2012 12:06:20 AM UTC+2, Piotr Boulangé wrote:
>> All of you - THANKS a lot for all the reply's.
>> In theory, i know about all about that - but I just can't get to the 
>> people - I know all the local networks, sites, groups, events... and if I 
>> go somewhere, I meat people, I tell them.., I hear it's great, and the'll 
>> come... and  I wait... and wait... and wait...
>> As for the events, we have similar problem - people say: "nice" and don't 
>> show up at all...
>> OK, I'll gladly hear few more ideas - maybe I haven't tries out 
>> averything yet.
>> But for me - from this discussion - the new thing would be to look at 
>> cowork in terms of fashion and style, instead of freelnace, and office 
>> :-))) 
>> Nice one.
>> Regards, ane depending on the part of the world: good night, have nice 
>> day, have a pleasant afternoon, or goodmorning sunshine ;-)
>> W dniu środa, 12 września 2012 11:46:00 UTC+2 użytkownik Piotr Boulangé 
>> napisał:
>>> Hi,
>>> there were so called "summer days" when a lot of (young?) people don';t 
>>> think about work...
>>> Nevertheless, the summer has ended and I just can't get an idea, of how 
>>> to reach the potential clients - coworkers - freelnacers.
>>> We have just few people interested, and they SAY that the idea is 
>>> great... the place is ok.... and that's it... the rest "doesn't follow"...
>>> maybe any of you can share some experience? if not publicly, than at 
>>> least of the record? :)
>>> thanks.

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