Accidentally sent that unfinished. 

...Hotels, Gyms, Restaurants, Banks.   Any other areas with a natural fit 
for group discounts and partnerships?

On Saturday, 26 January 2013 08:07:05 UTC+2, Jon Stever, The Office RW 
> Alexa, congrats on the new job. 
> We'd be really interested to hear what others are doing in this space as 
> well.  We've not had time to work on this yet, but we're considering a few 
> areas of sponsorship:
> 1. telecomms - phone internet
> 2. couriers - group discounts with a courier for members
> 3. hotels
> On Saturday, 26 January 2013 00:42:29 UTC+2, Alexa Lightner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm new to the coworking community and just started a job at Workbar in 
>> Boston. One of my first projects is putting together a 
>> sponsorship/strategic partnership package to attract higher-end sponsors 
>> (we have several snack sponsors and several partners that offer discounts, 
>> but we're looking to get a bit more serious and target larger, more serious 
>> corporations like cell phone providers and tech corporations). Any 
>> suggestions for approaching this? If anyone is willing to share a template 
>> they use, that would be amazingly helpful, but I could use any advice you 
>> have.
>> I'm excited to be part of this community!
>> Happy coworking,
>> Alexa

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