Hi Craig,

I see this post was back in Feb 2013. How is your *Co-Active *project 
going?  Our coworking space at The Profile in Vancouver 
BC<http://www.theprofile.ca>was established in 2009 and we are just starting to 
explore sponsorship 
with a tremendous response.  We've completed an interesting sponsorship 
program and excited to share it..  We are talking to nationals but it makes 
sense to join something that you are talking about.  

Let me know if it's running.

Kevin - The Profile

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 5:43:50 AM UTC-8, Mojo wrote:
> Hi Craig,
> Plans are expanding and solidifying for a national coworking sponsorship 
> activation network we're calling *Co-Activate*.  A big part of the value 
> to major (coworker-appropriate) sponsors will be both scale and "value" of 
> the coworking members.  To that end, I have a hypothesis that I'd like to 
> prove or disprove and would like to ask for some help from this group. I've 
> put together a short survey to collect some data that will show the levels 
> of *social networking among coworking members*. My belief is that 
> coworkers are great connectors, influencers and opinion leaders ... this 
> survey will help establish some level of empirical evidence.  If this is 
> the case, then the "value" of a sponsor activating their message among 
> coworkers INCREASES exponentially.
> My request is that anyone in this thread please forward the attached link 
> to your members and ask them to fill out this anonymous survey. My goal 
> will be to present results at GCUC as part of an unconference conversation. 
> Note that at this point, we are only looking to survey *North 
> American*coworkers, but will likely expand internationally as a future phase. 
> Here is the survey link.  We'd like to have as many surveys as possible 
> completed in the next 2 weeks.
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1WJQfLmqxCRYwfHaVSuw3-VLLQEYl-A
> XfZzNobgEeWDY/viewform
> If anyone has questions, please don't hesitate to message or call me 
> directly - 828-398-1840. Thanks!
> Craig Mc
> On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 10:54:06 AM UTC-5, Craig Baute - Creative 
> Density Coworking wrote:
>> I think involving spaces and encouraging their members, while openning it 
>> up to members to sign up directly, would be the best way to scale the 
>> exposure. I know Denver has about 6 spaces and a total of 200 coworkers or 
>> so. If you can offer a sponsorship that is beneficial to people then will 
>> sign up and your membership will scale quickly. It then seems like a great 
>> service tailored to us.
>> I also got a call a while ago about a company wanting to put sponsored 
>> coffee, office material, and a sign at the space. I was open to the idea if 
>> the money was right because I intended to then use some of the money for 
>> happy hours and snacks at the space. If you get several space owners, say 
>> 50 to 100 owners equaling a targeted 1500 to 3000 coworkers, that are 
>> willing to put some sponsored stuff that benefits the space then you could 
>> also obtain scale.
>> I would love to hear your bigger plans Mojo Craig.
>> Craig - Creative Density

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