Yeah that seems high.  On $1500 I'd expect $50-75 in fees.  We currently
use USAePay+ACCPC+CheckGateway and it's about 2.1%.  When you process more
and you've been around longer, the rates go down.  Your services probably
give you more then you are asking for... some funky "feature" they think
warrants the added fees.  They should at least throw in a Christmas turkey.

But yes, it's all kinda crazy.  The reason for it is that there are a lot
of middle-men taking a cut along the way.  I could dig in to the details
but it would make your head spin even more.  I'm currently exploring the
idea of starting our own payment gateway where all the proceeds go towards
coliving and coworking movements.  If we can add a layer where our members
are voting with their payments then we have a revenue stream, a
communication channel, and direction. Combine this with something like
Copass and things get really interesting really fast.

If anyone is interested in exploring this with me, please let me know.  But
sorry Jensen none of this would be ready in time for your needs.  Switch to
stripe and move on.  You'll recoup the $500 soon enough.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Alex Hillman <>

>  Oh wow, your fees are way too high. Kill that contract!
> "Standard" fees are closer to 2.9% + 25-30 cents per transaction. Even
> when you factor in all of the tools to work with a decent processor like
> Stripe or Braintree, the max you're gonna pay is 5%ish. Even PayPal (which
> sucks for lots of other reasons and I would not recommend using) is 2.9%.
> The biggest additional benefit to using Stripe is that your account is
> portable. It also manages recurring subscriptions and, when you get a bit
> bigger, plug into awesome business analytics tools like and
> that are built JUST for stripe.
> For actually managing memberships and subscriptions, do some googling
> around for "stripe membership subscriptions" and see which option fits your
> needs. You can get things that are "out of the box" like Memberful, or
> things that are super duper customizable like GravityForms for Wordpress +
> the 3rd party Gravity Forms stripe plugin (that's what we do. It's not
> perfect but it gives us the control we wanted).
> Do some homework before choosing again, but you're DEFINITELY overpaying
> now!
> -Alex
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> On Tuesday, Dec 23, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Jensen Yancey <
>>, wrote:
>> I don't know about everyone else, but since I've opened a coworking
>> office, one of the most mysterious and difficult-to-wrap-my-head-around
>> concepts has been why the hell am I getting charged so much for accepting
>> credit cards and where is it all going.  In our scramble to get open in
>> time, we signed on with First Data, Wells Fargo recommended them so what
>> could go wrong?  This month, we billed $1435 through first data, from that,
>> we were charged a $48.55 bankcard discount fee, a $23.87 Bankcard
>> interchange fee, and a 53.89 Bankcard Fee.  First data is incredibly
>> unhelpful, but I've managed to figure out that the discount fee is just
>> what they charge us, the interchange fee is what the credit card charges
>> us, but what the hell is the Bankcard fee?  Also, most beguilingly of all,
>> It's been slowly going down while our other two fees have been going up.
>> I knew it would be a little pricy, but it seems absolutely insane that
>> we're paying nearly 10% of our revenue out to these companies.  It's going
>> to cost us $500 to break the contract and I'm totally on board with doing
>> it, but is there a much better solution?
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