I'm working on launching a space now in NYC and I am also a Full timer 
(remote) and I definitely feel the insanity that comes with doing both at 
the same time. Early last year a friend said he wanted to come on to help 
launch things, but honestly I don't think he really is interested and his 
input hasn't done much to alleviate anything so I am about to drop him off 
he project. I luckily found two other co-founders who are awesome and 
passionate about getting things done and it's a world of difference when 
you have a team that works well together. 

On Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 9:18:31 AM UTC-5, Jason Phelps wrote:
> I currently work for a company remotely and spend my days at a coworking 
> space.  I am looking at the option of starting my own coworking space to 
> meet a need in a particular location in town.  I've read some stories of 
> others starting their own space while working fulltime, but those posts 
> were from 3+ years ago.  Not to negate the value of experiences that are 
> old, I wanted to see if there's anyone that has done that recently and how 
> it impacted your ability to start your space.  
> The other aspect of this that is probably more difficult to predict or 
> control is profitability and the ability to actually do this full time.  A 
> comment I found on this forum said regarding the time to make the jump to 
> doing coworking fulltime was "it's a singular moment where you just know." 
>  I wanted to hear from other owners here if it is possible to actually do 
> coworking fulltime, or if I should not even be thinking along those lines 
> and just focus on solving a need here in town and let it grow as it does. 
>  I'm curious what others have seen in their experience.
> I'll be doing some digging here and possibly even have some questions 
> around recommendations for management software, door locks, etc.   But for 
> now, I'm honestly just open to hearing advice from those that have gone 
> down this road and learned lessons that I'd prefer not to learn the hard 
> way :-)  Whether that's business partners, leasing vs. owning, etc., I'm 
> open to advise and wisdom from all the experts here.  
> I'm so glad I found this group - looking forward to reading and learning!

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