On Friday 05 September 2008 10:46:59 brian d foy wrote:

> You keep saying spam, but that's not the right term. You're being an
> ass characterizing it like that.

It's unsolicited, opt-out, bulk mail generated by an army of robots trying to 
get me to care about things I don't necessarily care about, and many 
responses to complaints about receiving it is "Just delete it!" or "You have 
email filters, right?" or "You really should be thankful about getting this 
great information!" or "Most people who get it aren't complaining, so 
obviously we're doing something right!" or "I don't have time and don't care 
to verify that I'm sending useful information, so that's the job of thousands 
of recipients."

Is that neither pinkish nor meatish?

Full credit (and many thanks) to David Golden and others who are moving away 
from this model, but if I'm an ass for saying "You know, that has a lot in 
common with spam" and "CPAN-related services with good intentions should 
carefully consider the effects of their actions on their constituents", then 
I'm proudly an ass as well.

-- c

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