Every now and then, I get a "CPAN Testers Daily Summary Report". Now, I
guess there could be some value in that, but almost every time I get
such a report, it's about a module failing in 5.9.5.

5.9.5 was a development release leading up to 5.10.0. It had issues.
Of course there will be failures. 5.9.x is gone, and sending people
reports about modules failing in dead development tracks of perl isn't,
IMO, useful. In fact, it's counterproductive, as people will start
ignoring the reports - missing the reports when it is useful.

Furthermore, the complete report repeatedly suggests a resource,
http://cpantest.grango.org/wiki/CPANAuthorNotes, to use for suggesting
getting FAIL reports. However, the entire grango.org domain seems
to be non-existent.


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