On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 02:16:27PM +0100, Barbie wrote:
> Hi Abigail,
> > Furthermore, the complete report repeatedly suggests a resource,
> > http://cpantest.grango.org/wiki/CPANAuthorNotes, to use for suggesting
> > getting FAIL reports. However, the entire grango.org domain seems
> > to be non-existent.
> Thanks for letting me know. I'd missed these in recent checks. I will
> try and get these update today. The grango.org is my test domain, which
> was previously used to host the wiki and stats sites.

As it turns out this is printed via CPAN-Reporter. This was updated in
1.1706 to use the correct URL. It is likely the tester who posted the
report you saw is using an older version of CPAN-Reporter.

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