On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:56:52PM -0400, David Golden wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Todd Rinaldo <to...@cpanel.net> wrote:
> > I hope that this email does not come off as insulting in any way.
> I didn't take it that way.  It's really helpful to have feedback from
> someone new because we don't always understand what isn't obvious.

Likewise, thanks for the feedback it is really useful. I had all the
good intentions of starting a new VM on my work box and go through all
the steps. However, the YAPC::Surveys, work and family have had to take

> > 2a. Stumbling around I found this page http://devel.cpantesters.org/#smoker.
> > 2b. Many links are broken there. Some declare themselves deprecated when 
> > you search harder. poe-component-cpan-reporter for instance.

This is my fault. I updated the links a while ago and mistakenly typed a
global replace with '.dist' instead of '/dist'. Fixed now.

> > 3a. The page starts out talking about needing to choose between CPAN or 
> > CPANPLUS. It offers no optinion
> That is a philosophical debate beyond the scope of CPAN Testers.
> Generally the answer is "whichever you would normally use".

It generally comes down to, what do you use to install your module from
the command line? CPAN or CPANPLUS? It's a personal choice, but you're
right we should mention that :)

I have to prepare for YAPC::Europe next week, so I'm not sure how much
time I'm going to have to add the right things to the wiki. Likewise, I
imagine that Chris Williams (responsible for CPANPLUS-YACSmoke) is also
going to be busy next week too.

BTW, CPANTS != CPAN Testers, two very different projects :)

Thanks for all the feedback, it'll prove useful to help us embelish the
guides in the right places.

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