Hi Barbie,

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:

> As others have also pointed out with other lines :) Unfortunately the
> query I used tried to do too much in one go, and didn't capture the
> results as well I as I'd hoped. I've now reworked the query and logic,
> so the next rebuild should produce more credible results.

Looks like the update was done now? If you look at the older results, there
are still a lot that are either:

Included in CORE:

Archive included in another archive:
http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/ILYAZ/Tk-OS2-1.00/ (perlt2k files)

Not in database (so reporter tool does not work):

Still, I've managed to find several modules that I could test. Thanks!

Any plans to make this available in a structured format, with links to the
archives, so that a smoker can go through the list?


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