This is one area I would like to improve with the CPAN Testers Reports
site. I often get questions about distributions with the same name, but due
the legacy way this was handled, it's never been adequately resolved, such
that older distributions couldn't be distinguished from each other (at
least not reliably). Now that we have the metabase facts, we can.

Once a few other projects out the way, I will take another look at this,
and see what changes are necessary to use the AUTHOR as well as the version
to differentiate between distributions and associated reports.


-- -
CPAN Testers -
YAPC Surveys -
Perl Jam -

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:50 PM, David Golden <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:49 AM,  <> wrote:
> > Can I be sure that the tester reports I quoted were in response to the
> > latter ? .... or could they have been in response to the former ?
> Look at the "Dear XXXX" part of the email, as that is generated from
> the author's PAUSE ID.
> This is one of the big, historical problems in the CPAN ecosystem.
> Many, many services assume that a distribution name is unique and
> there was never any restriction on that.
> Recently, at the QA Hackathon, PAUSE now will not index a distribution
> tarball unless the uploader has permissions on a package corresponding
> to the distribution name, but that only keeps the problem out of the
> index file.  Many smokers test all uploads regardless of indexing
> status.
> The Metabase that holds the CPAN Testers info actually captures
> AUTHOR/TARBALL, but that's not exposed downstream so the "Dear XXXX"
> is the best you've got.
> David
> --
> David Golden <> Twitter/IRC: @xdg

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