hi Alexandr,

These test reports, all from perl 5.12.3, seem to indicate that 'configure
requires' prerequisites haven't been satisfied. Module::Build::Tiny 0.035
does properly declare a dependency on Test::Harness::Env, but it hasn't
been satisfied on your smoker:



This might be due to an old CPAN.pm on your smoker.  If so, I would suggest
updating it to the latest version.

(Other testers: should we put a minimum bar on the acceptable version of
CPAN.pm/CPANPLUS for smoking, if we know that earlier versions are
guaranteed to produce bad results?  I've thought about adding a check right
in Makefile.PL for the version of the cpan client (for information purposes
only - that wouldn't affect the outcome of the build) -- what versions
should I be looking for?)

Karen Etheridge

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