--As of April 22, 2014 12:53:51 PM -0700, Karen Etheridge is alleged to have said:

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 03:09:05PM -0400, Daniel Staal wrote:
I actually expect most smokers to
be running a fairly recent perl, just because it's the type of place
where it's usually good to run updates.  The ancient versions of
perl are probably running on secured isolated boxes where upgrading
is procedurally impossible.

This is counter to my observation -- most of the *serious* smokers (see
http://stats.cpantesters.org/testers.html) perform their tests across a
wide range of perl versions, with lots of representation from 5.8, 5.10
and 5.12.

...It says something about me that I consider all those as 'fairly recent perl', doesn't it?

Anyone can send a CPAN test report, and anyone can install a module
without CPAN.  Therefore, I don't think the prereq list (for
install) should take into account the CPAN smoke test infrastructure
(a subset of the CPAN testers).

I never suggested that it do so. I raised the possibility of checking in
Makefile.PL/Build.PL for out of date tools *because it would help the
user* (and if it raises the quality of smoke reports, that just comes for

That's slightly different what I thought you said: That we set a minimum version for Smoking (ie: All smokers would be required to use a minimum version).

I would have no issue with someone putting a check in their own Makefile.PL/Build.PL to make sure the tools are up to the task of installing that module. That's not what I thought you said, but if that's what you meant I think it's probably a good idea for this module.

I'm not sure why you cc'd this to beginn...@perl.org. This is not a
beginner topic - this is very much to do with the intricacies of the

Sorry, my email client decided to be 'helpful'. It was not intended to go there. (The folder I collect this mailing list in is contained inside the folder that collected perl-beginners, and it passed the reply address down the chain.)

Daniel T. Staal

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