--As of April 21, 2014 5:51:32 PM -0700, Karen Etheridge is alleged to have said:

(Other testers: should we put a minimum bar on the acceptable version of
CPAN.pm/CPANPLUS for smoking, if we know that earlier versions are
guaranteed to produce bad results?  I've thought about adding a check
right in Makefile.PL for the version of the cpan client (for information
purposes only - that wouldn't affect the outcome of the build) -- what
versions should I be looking for?)

If you truly need a minimum version of CPAN, declare it. You can set a version of CPAN in the prereqs like you can set any other module.

In general, I'm against pushing that check into the testing framework - there are occasional situations where you can find yourself using truly ancient versions of perl and tools, and I would prefer to have requirements explicitly declared where I can check them than implicitly assumed.

Oh, and the standard smoker output does list the version of CPAN installed. The reports in question all list version 1.98 - not current, but upgraded from what ships with 5.12.3, and quite common.

Daniel T. Staal

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