On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 09:14:43AM -0400, David Golden wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 8:12 AM, David Cantrell <da...@cantrell.org.uk> wrote:
> > This doesn't appear to be possible with the version of File::Temp that
> > was distributed with perl 5.8.9, or with the current version on the
> > CPAN. What version do you have installed? Can you temporarily
> > monkey-patch it to vomit out a stack trace so you can see where it's
> > being called from and with what arguments?
> He's complaining about a smoker, not his own machine:
>   /home/cpan/pit/bare/perl-5.8.9/lib/5.8.9/File/Temp.pm

I got confused because LaTeXML doesn't show up on metacpan. I see now
that search.cpan *does* know about it.

> Is "/home/cpan/pit/" one of your smokers?


David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

What is the difference between hearing aliens through the
fillings in your teeth and hearing Jesus in your heart?

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