On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 09:12:05AM -0400, Dave Horner wrote:

> The powershell zombie killer is not a great generic solution though for
> automated killing.  Since looking at the hanging test on
> AZAWAWI/Farabi-0.47.tar.gz we'd need to look for:
> "C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" t/01-basic.t
> which is generic enough that a background watch and kill script would find
> t/01-basic.t is often used.

In Unix-land I'd go by PID, and it would be the 'make test' process that
I'd kill, not the individual test script.

> If there was a way to also filter by the module we are testing; that would
> make it a bit better....but I don't see the Farabi string anywhere in the
> command line arguments of any of the parent perl processes ...

Can you also search by the name of the working directory? That would
normally contain the distribution name and version - Farabi-0.47 - so
could be used to disambiguate.

David Cantrell | Minister for Arbitrary Justice

  Sobol's Law of Telecom Utilities:
    Telcos are malicious; cablecos are simply clueless.

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