Hi all,

While I'm here, I thought I might as well formerly announce the closure of
the static website, that is currently hosted at

When I originally launched the new CPAN Testers websites back in 2008, I
got a lot of reaction from people who refused to use Javascript. However,
over the last few years the large portion of requests on the site (over
90%) have been from bots & crawlers.

The builders, although running reasonable fast now, would be around 15-20%
quicker, as there are at least 2 files they wouldn't have to rebuilt, and
seeing as I'm trying to rewrite these and other parts of the system to be
more efficient, now is a good time to mark the end of the Static site.

I may implement a new static site, rendering the JSON in the same HTML
format, per request, rather than building thousands of flat HTML files that
never get read. However, I'll only do that if enough people really *need*
the site.

In the next few weeks I'll be blocking all the bots and crawlers (just to
the Static site), so I can see more clearly who (if anyone) is still using
the site. If you are, and you really can't use other methods to get the
data, please let me know. Both the JSON and RSS feeds are still being
created, as per the dynamic site.

If you really are using a modern browser with Javascript disabled, or
absolutely must use an old browser without Javascript, I'd be intrigued to
know why.

If I haven't received enough requests to keep the site running by next
month, then the Static site will be 301'd to the dynamic site.


Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
Perl Jam - http://perljam.info

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