On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:23:04AM -0400, David Golden wrote:

> However, I'm inclined to think that going that way means an entirely
> new client that is designed for .cpan files.  This is more akin to
> PPM, except non binary.  The question in my mind is what this gains us
> beyond "double-clickability" for Windows.  (Which is a non-trivial
> benefit -- e.g. see a *.cpan distribution on a web page, click it to
> install in Strawberry Perl).


And who says that only Windows users benefit?  It would be damned useful
for anyone distributing perl applications to end users via the CPAN -
something that perl very much falls down on compared to certain other
popular planguages.  There's plenty of dumb bastards and lazy admins who
use Mac OS X, Linux etc as well, you know :-)

> > It's also the wrong place to encode version information.
> Putting version info in the tarball name was necessary to avoid
> duplicate uploads, I suspect.  It *is* a terrible place to be encoding
> version information, I agree.

Yes.  Perhaps PAUSE 2.0 would accept an upload of any old .cpan file,
inspect its contents, and then save it under a more appropriate name in
the archive.

David Cantrell | Bourgeois reactionary pig

  Your call is important to me.  To see if it's important to
  you I'm going to make you wait on hold for five minutes.
  All calls are recorded for blackmail and amusement purposes.

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