On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:50:29PM -0700, Jan Dubois wrote:
> PPM4 actually supports putting the PPD file inside the tarball.  When the
> tarball is downloaded with a .ppmx extension, then the client knows to
> extract the .ppd from inside the file and install everything else according
> to this .ppd file.
> The big problem with this scheme is though that is doesn't allow you
> to install prerequisites using this mechanism: You can double-click on
> a .ppmx file in a web browser and it can be downloaded and installed
> automatically.  The ppm installer however no longer knows where the file
> came from, so it cannot look for prerequisites in the same place.

The last time I used PPM it was able to support multiple repositories,
in the same way apt or yum does. I also thought it was able to install
prerequisites from these if a local ppd wasn't found. I'd certainly like
to see a double-click installer work like that :) 

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