Am 11.06.2014 um 19:08 schrieb David Golden <>:

> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Kent Fredric <> wrote:
>> "Has the user in question granted permission to use the internet".
> I disagree with the premise that one needs to ask.  Users are already
> running arbitrary Perl code and must take responsibility for anything
> that it might do and not run it if it does something they don't want
> it to do.
> The only thing that interests me is avoiding hassling people with
> failures in cases that have no possibility of success, e.g. connecting
> to a host on the Internet when the Internet is fire-walled.
> That's a question of capability, not permission.

I think there're setups where smoke tests run in a private. not routed
network segment. While this is uncommon, probably an envvar is the right
approach, but it should be one like LOCALTESTS_ONLY instead of
NETWORK_IS_AVAILABLE. This allows smokers to disable unwanted network

How does that sound? (Maybe I don't understand the concern correctly)

Jens Rehsack

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