On Saturday, March 23, 2002, at 05:31  PM, Graham Lally wrote:

> Adam Back wrote:
>> Apart from my recent comments about NoCeM's and on onspool NoCeM
>> reader, another perhaps simpler idea would be to do it all with simple
>> CGI stuff and a web archive.  I'm sure this has been discussed before
>> in the past, but I don't recall anyone actually trying it out:
> TBH, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Slashdot yet...

I did, just a couple of days ago. Slashdotting is a major, if not _the_ 
major, contributor to short attention span noise. Choate relies heavily 
on Slashdot...'nuff said.

--Tim May
"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, 
my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists."  --John Ashcroft, 
U.S. Attorney General

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