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Declan wrote:

>There may be the germ of an idea here, but I'm hardly convinced an
>automated mechanism such as you describe will work.

Even if it did, getting people focused on improving their popularity ratings
rather than contributing ideas is hardly going to improve content. The only
thing it would accomplish is promoting conformity of thought: "disagree with
the group and be punished". 

It's far too easy to manipulate, anyway: have you considered the possibility of
some vindictive loser with nothing better to do or a group of feds
orchestrating reputational attacks against key posters? (spoofing, vote-rigging,
etc.) As long as nyms unconnected to real names have votes, the system will
always be wide open to this kind of thing and the numbers will be
meaningless from the beginning. It'll turn into just another way for the
offended to disrupt the group: think of all the people who used to post but
left, angry and humiliated. They'll be back. 

Anyone who reads this list on a regular basis has a perfectly good picture in
his or her mind of basically what they can expect from any given poster. How is
a number going to express anything you haven't already figured out for yourself?

Who I like to read most around here is entirely independent of my personal
opinion of them, whether I agree with their posts or how nasty I get when I
argue with them. I like to think I'd be able to get past the third grade
playground mentality and give them a 10 or whatever when they deserve it:
sadly I know as sure as I'm sitting here these very same people would do their
damndest to obliterate me from the board forever. What a terrible waste of time
and talent.

This rating system is only going to make people more petty and vicious than they
already are. As tempting as getting mickey-mouse revenge on your "enemies" may
be, shouldn't we do what we can to just cut the bullshit squabbling and have an
honest exchange of ideas with each other? I don't think the subjects of the list
deserve anything less. 

>Perhaps an easier way to do it is to have everyone post their kill.rc
>files publicly for everyone else's delectation. :)

Seriously, a great idea. Quick, dirty, and to the point, everybody vents and
moves on. 

Something else which might be worthwile is for each poster to go to the inet
- -one or MARC archives and do a little statistical analysis of his or
her own posts. What are you really accomplishing here? Are you an asset or a
liability, a help or a hindrance? Are you bickering or contributing?  
Mee-tooing or saying something original? Are you fixated on anybody? boring the
shit out of people? What can you honestly say you bring to the forum?

A little more self-examination wouldn't hurt any of us.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.
- --Thomas Paine

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