-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sanderson <rsander...@getty.edu>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:44:10 +0000

> I actually think that traditional archiving practices /are/ a different 
> “sect” … or less
> controversially: the non-digital archival practices of the North American 
> tradition do not map
> cleanly into a more precise ontology such as CIDOC-CRM that is designed for 
> expressing knowledge
> about specifics, rather than the broad generalities of “collection 
> description”.

The North American tradition is not so original... The Romanian one is the same 
[But I see the Portuguese one is changing. Bravo !]

The RICO guys are pulling the archivists in the 21st century. Fine ! But why 
invent a new "warm 
wheel" ? It is not more rational to join the CRM Club ? How come that the 
librarians (for 
instance) managed to overcome the "not invented here" complex ?


Dan Matei, bibliograf
Institutul Național al Patrimoniului, Secția Biblioteci Digitale
Piața Presei Libere nr. 1, 013701 București
tel. 0725 253 222, 021 317 90 72, fax: 021 317 90 64
dan.ma...@patrimoniu.gov.ro; d...@cimec.ro

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