Hi Vladimir,

We are converging ;-) .

We would in any case require activities at least intentionally not to stop. In case the "floruit" splits in different phases or very different fields, it should be more than one floruit instance per person. This may need more precise definition of identity conditions.

"Life" as pure spacetime volume is pretty useless to connect events to a person. Obviously, all events a person was present at intersect with its life. So, there is no additional information in modelling "life". When do you need it really?



On 23/4/2014 2:57 πμ, Vladimir Alexiev wrote:
Martin> Use of an identifier and the floruit of a person is explicitly modelled 
in FRBRoo v2.0.

Thanks! I see it now (F51 Floruit)
- in BM we modeled Profession and Nationality as a group.
- It's interesting that Floruit has something very general: R59 had typical 
subject: E1 CRM Entity
- In contrast, F52 Name Use Activity has
   R62 was used for membership in: E74 Group, and
   R61 occurred in kind of context: E55 Type
- If Floruit is modeled, surely Life merits to be modeled :-)
   Then again, it's a simple case of Floruit, one with e.g.
   P2 has type: <being alive> a E55 Type, OR
   R59 had typical subject: <being alive> a E55 Type

Yes, it is intentional that states that can only be
acquired by explicit events, such as ownership, membership etc., are described
by these events. This is to ensure monotonicity under increase of incomplete,
but consistent knowledge.
After reading CRMgeo and these emails a couple of times, I now grok what's 
"monotonicity of states".
What I called "Periods of Existence" are Spatiotemporal Volumes.
These can be discontinous, right? One can start an activity, suspend it, 
continue it somewhere else, etc.
The monotonic accumulation of start/end events corresponds to potentially 
non-monotonic update of Spatiotemporal Volumes (split into smaller volumes, 
remove some part).
OWLIM rules are monotonic, so I agree with the goal to uphold monotonicity.

events are the hooks for other, distinct, historically relevant information.
Birth and death have quite different contexts and actors involved.
How about this Floruit: "Being a set and costume designer, a painter, an 
illustrator, and a poet in Russia and France in the first half of the 20th century
[general fields of activity of Natalya Goncharova]"
Maybe it's interesting and historically relevant who helped her *become* a 
costume designer, and what caused her to *stop* being a costime designer?

I'm concerned that you end up with many ideosyncratic solutions, and no common 
- E15 Identifier Assignment is two start/end events in one: deassignment of old 
identifier, and assignment of new one.
- F52 Name Use Activity is a period of use (spatiotemporal volume = period of 
continued use of an Appellation)
- both are subclasses of E13 Attribute Assigment

I find this confusing:
- If I say the time-span of F52 Name Use Activity is from 2000 to 2014, it 
means someone used that name for a period of 14 years.
- But if I say the same of E15 Identifier Assignment, it means whatever 
committee did this assignment, really took their sweet time and were in no 
hurry (14 years to decide ;-).
And I can attest that Josh@BM got confused, he thought assigned/deassigned of 
E15 somehow mean start/end, but they mean new/old

Or consider modeling the military service of <Binns> a Person in <USMC> a Group:
It can be done with these statements:
- <joining> a E85 Joining; P143 joined <Binns>; P144 joined with <USMC>; P4 has time-span 
[P82 "1963"]
- <leaving> a E86 Leaving; P145 separated <Binns>; P146 separated from <USMC>; P4 has 
time-span [P82 "1966"]
Or this one:
- <floruit> a F51 Floruit; P14 carried out by <Binns>; R59 had typical subject <USMC>; P4 has 
time-span [P82a "1963"; P82b "1966"]

- Monotonicity means that the <floruit> is stronger: also means there were no 
intervening leaving/joining between 1963-1966.
   If there were (like for this nicely moustached fella 
   then we'd need to model the Floruit as a discontinuous Period (having parts).
- <joining/leaving> are stronger than <floruit>, since joining/leaving express 
Membership, while R59 is only some general kind of relatedness.
   I'd say: John Dover Wilson's activity as a Shakespeare scholar (F51) R59 had 
typical subject William Shakespeare (F10)
   is quite different from: Ricardo Binns' activity as a USMC soldier ;-)
- R59 is not a subprop of P14 carried out by, nor P107 has current or former 
   So if you want to query both, you need branches in your query, or 
Fundamental Relations to do it
- Note: R59 says it's Subproperty of:   
     P2 has_type / P92 brought into existence (was brought into existence by): 
E77 Persistent Item.
     P2_has_type/ P94 has created (was created by): E89 Propositional 
Object.P129 is about (is subject of): E1 CRM Entity
   which is some confused property chain notation, but surely it can be stated 
explicitly too
- Most importantly, there's no way to relate these two styles

True life-long observation is extremely rare, therefore
most such states are concluded from events. If this is the case, these should be
documented, and not the states.
I think this is not borne out by actual documenting practice in many cases.
Maybe nobody checked if Binns was actually a soldier every month between 
or whether Leonardo actually painted every month during his career as a painter,
or whether the Maori actually used <particular Maori term> every month of 
<particular Maori era>,
or whether Michael Dukakis has been a member-in-good-standing of the ACLU ever 
since he joined.

But this won't stop biographers from making floruit statements,
nor did it stop George H. W. Bush from accusing Michael Dukakis during the 1988 
presidential campaign of being a "card carrying member of the ACLU"

"Modeling such Periods of Existence is significantly more economical than modeling 
with Start/End events."
This is no argument. Firstly, the size of all metadata together are a 
negligible fraction of image
data we keep.
I mean firstly people economy, and only secondly computer economy.
Why do biographers make catch-all floruit statements? Because it's more 
economical, and it's generally/approximately true. (And life's too short.)

(Sorry can't resist: THAT is no argument. Image data is processed in 
fundamentally different ways from triples.
Or are you doing everything possible to get Cultural Heritage to classify under 
EC's Big Data funding lines? :-)

Not all periods can have start or end events.
What we need is an understanding of the semantics of "starting something".
Is there an concept of cause or occasion? How does a start event behave in 
It IS causative, and because of the causal-chronological coherence of time, we 
know how it behaves in time.

I'm not saying all periods should have start/end; nor all start/end necessarily 
need a period.
I am saying that CRM should offer a means to connect them (when present), 
But, I'm not very good at topological epistemology (or whatever this should be 
called :-)

I'll try to check the other references you provided (but not CRMsci :-) within 
a week.

Cheers! V

PS: There is an old Italian proverb that says, "Everything has an end except salame 
which has two."
Because no matter which direction you start, it always ends!
Look here and salivate :-) http://blog.needsupply.com/2014/03/02/salami-friday/

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