There is generally no problem with reification qua reification!
The CRM is committed to reification in its model of actions and events. See
Davidson's "The Logical Form of Action Sentences" [1] for the paper that
made this approach dominant. It's worth a read.

The collection "Essays on Action and Events" [2] collects other related
papers; for  commentary see [3] -  mostly for Quine's essay on identity
conditions for events to which Davidson is replying in the second edition
of [2].  Identity is one of the  things that requires consideration when
considering reification.


What is usually being objected to specifically is "RDF reification".
This facility consists of a class called rdf:Statement, together with the
properties - subject, predicate, and object.

The mechanism that is provided is pretty awful.

Here is a reified statement.

_:x a rdf:Statement,
     rdf:subject :foo,
     rdf:predicate :property,
     rdf:object :bar .

This does *not* entail
:foo :property :bar.




On Feb 3, 2016 2:02 PM, "Dan Matei" <> wrote:

> Despite the fact that I'm always told that reification is not recomanded,
> I decided to "piser contre le vent" :-)
> Functionally, the reification is just natural. Proof: the "invention" of
> .1 properties in CRM.
> Aaa, if the formalisms we have do not handle it well, please invent a
> suitable formalism, my dear friends.
> Dan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dan Matei
> consultant (documentaristică, biblioteci digitale),
> Fundația Gellu Naum,
> [Institutul Național al Patrimoniului]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: martin <>
> To:
> Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 20:09:26 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] Modelling .1 properties
> > Dear Simon,
> >
> > Our messages crossed, your analysis is correct! We have discussed
> > however, that reification or annotation is not recommended, rather an
> > introduction of a node (class) representing a triary property rather than
> > an individual entity. From the existence of an instance of
> > PC14_carried_out_by we can automatically infer
> > the instance of P14, as described in the formalization.
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > martin
> >
> > On 3/2/2016 7:55 μμ, Simon Spero wrote:
> > >
> > > The first order formalization  given in the crm document are:
> > >
> > > P14(x,y,z) ⊃ [P14(x,y) ∧ E55(z)]
> > >
> > > Note that the predicate on the left hand side has three arguments,
> > > which is more arguments than rdf is comfortable with.
> > >
> > > The "in the role of" property is modifying an instance of a "carried
> > > out by" property.
> > > An activity can be carried out by several different agents, each in a
> > > different role, so the property cannot be attached directly to the
> > > activity.
> > >
> > > There are several possible ways of representing this using semantic
> > > web tools.
> > >
> > > The first approach is to use RDF reification. I am not going to say
> > > anything more about this.
> > >
> > > If you are using OWL 2, you can add an annotation each "carried out
> > > by" property assertion.  This is not ideal, as annotations are not
> > > really supposed to be part of the data in the model, and most
> > > reasoners ignore them. They are also not easy to work with in RDF.
> > >
> > > A third approach is to define your own class for reification,
> > > representing an instance of a "carrying out" ; this class would have
> > > properties relating the activity, the agent, and the role.
> > >
> > > The best approach may be to define a sub property of P14 for each type
> > > of carrying out in a role which is relevant to your model.
> > > You can specify the role associated with all uses of this property
> > > using a property whose subject is the subproperty.
> > >
> > > Simon
> > >
> > > On Feb 3, 2016 10:01 AM, "Allison Miller"
> > > < <>>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >     Hello,
> > >
> > >     I wish to use the CIDOC CRM but need a formal model to do so and
> > >     have a question concerning .1 properties.
> > >
> > >     eg. E7 Activity has: P14 carried out by (performed): E39 Actor and
> > >     (P14.1 in the role of: E55 Type)
> > >
> > >     It is a property I need to use - but I can’t work out how to model
> it!
> > >
> > >     I thought I could use the Erlangen OWL implementation, but I can’t
> > >     find these properties in it. (That’s not to claim they aren’t
> > >     there, my knowledge of OWL is limited.)
> > >
> > >     I would welcome any guidance on P14.1, and other .1 properties, in
> > >     the Erlangen implementation, or advice on including them in a
> > >     definition compatible with Semantic Web technologies if anyone has
> > >     done this.
> > >
> > >     Kind regards,
> > >
> > >     Alli
> > >
> > >     E-mail:
> > >     <>
> > >
> > >     Web: <>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >     Sysemia Limited
> > >
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> > >     Crescent, Emerson's Green, Bristol BS16 7FR
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> >
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