Hi Richard,

I agree that the Currency should be constant unless the monetary system 
changes, regardless of the changing value.  However that’s not what is implied 
by Monetary_Amount being a subclass of Dimension, where the actual value is 
independent of the approximation.  For the subclass to be valid, the features 
of the parent class must be valid for the child class (All Persons are Actors, 
and all of the features of Actor are valid for Person).  Ergo, the proposed 
structure is invalid, or the scope notes for Dimension should be changed to say 
that 6 inches is the face value, not the independent absolute value.

Regarding the URI discussion, the URI would not be the value of the 
Monetary_Amount, just its identifier. 
For example, if three artworks each sold for $100, the instance of 
Monetary_Amount referenced from each Purchase can be the same instance.  In 
short hand:

_:p1 a Purchase ;
  transferred_ownership_of _:object1 ;
  sale_price <uri-for-$100> .

_:p2 a Purchase ;
  transferred_ownership_of _:object2 ;
  sale_price <uri-for-$100> .

_:p3 a Purchase ;
  transferred_ownership_of _:object3 ;
  sale_price <uri-for-$100> .

<uri-for-$100> a MonetaryAmount ;
  value 100 ;
  currency <uri-for-dollars> .

And from your second email, I agree (per your point 3) that P181 is unnecessary 
if a Monetary_Amount is a Dimension. And an equivalent case of pounds, 
shillings and pence for your point 4 would be also important to take into 
account for currency.  Both could be solved by allowing sub-values of a larger 

_:total a Dimension ;
  consists_of [
      a Dimension ;
      value 3 ;
      unit <uri-for-feet> ], [
      a Dimension ;
      value 6 ;
      unit <uri-for-inches> ] .

The scopenotes for Dimension recommending intervals seem to be out of date – as 
value is explicitly a number, it’s impossible to say 3.9-4.1 cm.  The approach 
taken by timespan with begin_of_the_begin and end_of_the_end might be 
appropriate to duplicate here, if recording the precision is important. 


On 1/4/17, 12:23 AM, "Crm-sig on behalf of Richard Light" 
<crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr on behalf of rich...@light.demon.co.uk> wrote:   
    On 2017-01-03 11:01 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:

    All currency amounts have an absolute value that changes constantly due to 
inflation and markets, and there’s no way to associate a date with the amount 
instance to capture this.  This seems somewhat in conflict with being a 
subclass of Dimension, which is “the true quantity, independent from its 
numerical approximation, e.g. in inches or in cm.” – in other words the 
absolute value, independent of the unit, which is in this case the currency.  

    Assuming that E96 Purchase is a subclass of E7 Activity, it will have the 
opportunity to record an associated date.  I think you are over-thinking what 
it is feasible to record here: if a specified price was paid for an object on a 
specified date, surely that's all you need to record - in fact it's all you can 
record.  It is for others to make their own deductions as to the 'real' value 
(in some sense) of that monetary amount.

    As a thought experiment, if the unit of an “inch” were to change definition 
to be exactly 2.5 centimeters, then I believe from the description of 
Dimension, that the lengths would remain the same in absolute value, and we 
would need a new unit for “new inches”.  This is not practical for currency, as 
we would need new units constantly … which is also forbidden by the scope notes 
of currency: “One monetary system has only one currency”.  So how are we to 
deal with comparisons over time?

    I think that the only case where we should be making this sort of 
distinction is where the currency itself changes its 'semantics': for example 
the revaluation of the French franc in 1960.

    And in either case, it would be correct to have all uses of $100 USD refer 
to the exact same resource… there need only be one Monetary_Amount that has a 
particular value and currency … $100 is $100, regardless.  The practical 
implication is that Monetary_Amount URIs could be constructed algorithmically 
along the lines of http://example.org/Monetary_Amount/dollars/100.  This 
doesn’t seem to be affected by face value vs actual value, but confirmation 
would be appreciated.

    Again I can't comment on what the 'official' line on this might be, but 
there are analogies here for other measurement-like entities, such as dates 
[e.g. 3].  While there may be advantages to 'quantizing' dates (given the 
inherent uncertainty in deciding when
     an event/activity happened, and the possibility it opens up of matching on 
the 'same' date) I think there is less of a case for doing this to monetary 
amounts.  If they are recorded as a numerical value, it is straightforward to 
add them up, and to make comparisons
     ('find all transactions with a value greater than $10,000'), etc.  With a 
URL for the amount, you lose this ability.

    Secondly, and this is likely out of scope for the CRM at this stage, we 
have a requirement to model where the money comes from and goes to.  For 
example, there are many occurrences of dealers owning only a part share of an 
expensive artwork, and the payment being divided according to that share 
amongst the owning dealers.  For this we need more than just a Monetary_Amount 
associated with a Purchase, and have been using a new subclass of Activity a 
“Payment” with properties mirroring transfer of ownership:  paid_amount, 
paid_to and paid_from.

    I agree that this would be generally useful.  Another element of this 
Payment activity would be a description of the good or benefit that is 
transferred in return for the payment.

    Best wishes,



    Crm-sig mailing list

    Richard Light 

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