Right. We have often discussed it, but I am not sure if we have written a guideline, and it is not in the right place, or if we have only exchanged e-mails about it. I put is as an issue, in case its new. The point is that we cannot make rdf label a subproperty of p1.



On 1/15/2018 6:33 PM, Richard Light wrote:


It's perhaps telling that I even have to ask this question at this stage in the game.

I'm not sure how to encode a person's name in RDF in a CRM-compliant manner.  It's an E41 Appellation, and is linked to the person by a P1_is_identified_by property, I'm assuming.  So far, so good.

However, it looks as though I have the choice of not stating that it is an E41, or of connecting the E41 to its string value via a property which is nowhere defined in the CRM:

    freeukgen:b65432#born a crm:E21_Person;
        crm:P1_is_identified_by "Light, Thomas Edward" .


    freeukgen:b65432#born a crm:E21_Person;
        crm:P1_is_identified_by [
            a crm:E41_Appellation;
            {has-string-value} "Light, Thomas Edward" ] .

The CRM definition gives strings as examples of E41, which implies that the first form is acceptable. However, my instinct says that it is wrong to finesse the fact that it is an E41 in this way.  If the E41 /is /to be expressed, as in my second form, I would welcome advice as to what the value of "{has-string-value}" should be.

Whichever approach is correct, I am struck by the absence of a primer which says, in straightforward terms, "this is how you encode CRM concepts in RDF".  If it exists and I have simply missed it, please point me in its direction and I will spread the word ...

Best wishes,

*Richard Light*

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               Center for Cultural Informatics               |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
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