

[My first response was blocked because the thread was “too long”; here it is 


I agree with Philip [and Richard]


If the domain or range of a FRBRoo property is changed, or there was a 
significant change in definition, we would deprecate the old version and 
declare a new URI. This hasn’t happened yet, but would beg the question of what 
to use as a new URI – perhaps add a version number to the alphanumeric part. 
For that reason we would advise the FRBR Review Group to mint a new 
alphanumeric designation.






From: Richard Light [] 
Sent: 18 January 2018 12:30
To: Carlisle, Philip <>; Gordon Dunsire 
<>; 'Robert Sanderson' <>; 'Jim 
Salmons' <>;
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] ISSUE Form and persistence of RDF identifiers



This is alarming.  I have always assumed that a superseded class or property 
would simply be flagged as "deprecated" and a new one minted to replace it. 
There is absolutely no need to re-use numbers, and I am hoping someone will 
come forward to say that this was a mistake, and not a change which accords 
with CRM-SIG policy.  Otherwise, as you say, we can have no confidence in the 
CRM as a persistent RDF framework, whether or not the class and property 
identifiers include a textual component.  Is this an isolated case, or does 
anyone know of other cases where domain and range (and indeed meaning) of a 
class or property has been changed after its initial publication?

(The textual component is, in any case, only meant to be guidance and is 
explicitly stated not to be unique: 'is identified by' below is a good example 
of this.)

Best wishes,


On 18/01/2018 10:29, Carlisle, Philip wrote:

Hi all,

I agree that using the number alone as the identifier would be the way forward 
particularly with regards to the changing of the name of a class or property.


However this would only work if the domain/range and scope of the class or 
property remain the same.


There is at least one instance of a property in the CRM where the number has 
been retained but the context of the property has completely changed.


The property in question is P148.


In the CRM version 4.2.2 we had: 


P148 is identified by (identifies)


Domain:                                E28 Conceptual Object

Range:                   E75 Conceptual Object Appellation

Subproperty:        E1 CRM Entity. P1 is identified by (identifies): E41 

Quantification:    many to many (0,n:0,n)


Scope note:           This property identifies a name used specifically to 
identify an E28 Conceptual Object. 


This property is a specialisation of P1 is identified by (identifies) is 
identified by.



*       The publication „Germanisches Nationalmuseum (GNM), Fuehrer durch die 
Sammlungen” (broschiert), Prestl 1995 (E73) is identified by ISBN 3-7913-1418-1 



According to the appendix of CRM 5.1.2 as amendments to CRM 4.2.5 the property 
P148  changed to


P148  has been changed




P148 is identified by (identifies)


Domain:                                E28 Conceptual Object

Range:                   E75 Conceptual Object Appellation

Subproperty:        E1 CRM Entity. P1 is identified by (identifies): E41 

Quantification:    many to many (0,n:0,n)


Scope note:           This property identifies a name used specifically to 
identify an E28 Conceptual Object. 


This property is a specialisation of P1 is identified by (identifies) is 
identified by.



*       The publication „Germanisches Nationalmuseum (GNM), Fuehrer durch die 
Sammlungen” (broschiert), Prestl 1995 (E73) is identified by ISBN 3-7913-1418-1 



P148 has component (is component of)

Domain:                                E89 Propositional Object

Range:                   E89 Propositional Object

Superproperty of:                

Subproperty of:                   


Quantification:    (0:n,0:n)


Scope note:          This property associates an instance of E89 Propositional 
Object with a structural part of it that is by itself an instance of E89 
Propositional Object.


Examples:             The Italian text of Dante’s textual work entitled “Divina 
Commedia” (E33) P148 has component The Italian text of Dante’s textual work 
entitled “Inferno” (E33) 



In the document as amendments to CRM 5.0.3 we have, unbelievably, the following:


P149 is identified by (identifies)

It is decided to create a subproperty of P1 to connect E28 with E75 as follows


                P149 is identified by: E75


Domain:                                E28 <>  Conceptual Object

Range:                   E75 <>  Conceptual Object Appellation 

Subproperty of:   E1 <>  CRM Entity. P1 <>  is identified by (identifies): E41 
<>  Appellation 

Quantification:    many to many (0,n:0,n)


Scope note:           This property identifies an instance of E28 Conceptual 
Object using an instance of E75 Conceptual Object Appellation.


Examples:             The German edition of the CIDOC CRM (E73) is identified 
by ISBN 978-3-00-030907-6 (E75) 



In this instance if the URI had been in 
use in any implementation based on CRM 4.2.2 the change in label, domain and 
range would not have been picked up by an automatic update.


Furthermore at no point would it have been obvious that all instances of, in the original meaning, should be 
replaced with


This may have been an oversight on the part of the CRM-SIG however I would 
strongly suggest that in future if the SIG want to change a property or class 
that they check with those system owners who’ve actually been using the CRM in 
the real world to ensure that these whims do not affect the smooth running of 
any current implementations. 


If the aim of the CRM is to facilitate data exchange it would imply that each 
implementation should be able to rely on the properties and classes not 
changing their fundamental essence.


Re-use and re-assignment of numbers and labels is, to my mind, exceptionally 
bad practice.




Phil Carlisle

Knowledge Organization Specialist

Listing Group, Historic England

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From: Crm-sig [] On Behalf Of Gordon Dunsire
Sent: 18 January 2018 09:22
To: 'Robert Sanderson'; 'Richard Light'; 'Jim Salmons'; 
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] ISSUE Recording an E41 in RDF




It is for this reason that the IFLA declaration of URIs for the FRBRoo 
extension to CRM drops the name, and uses only the notation:








From: Crm-sig [] 
<mailto:[]>  On Behalf Of Robert Sanderson
Sent: 17 January 2018 16:52
To: Richard Light < <> 
>; Jim Salmons < <> 
>; <> 
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] ISSUE Recording an E41 in RDF



Here’s a quick addition …


The RDF representation uses the names of the classes and predicates in the URIs 
that identify them.  This means ;l

that when the names change, the URIs change and this invalidates all of the 
previous uses.  As the SIG considers only the number to be important, there is 
a mismatch of expectations around persistence and versioning.


Examples: E78_Collection versus E78_Curated_Holding and the recent thread about 
renaming translation_of.







Richard Light 

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