Hi Thanasi,

Yes that's true. Good reminder. That might be a solution but then we would
need the particular property for expressing that two events are causally
connected. I avoided to put it in the last email so as not to stir up to
many semantic teapots. But obviously to have the general property we should
have the particular property. So we have for example we have the particular


so the analogy to this in my situation is probably

O13 triggers (is triggered by)
and we need the analogy of p21 to make the model complete....

On another note out of curiosity, in the extension where every property has
a 'type of' property what happens with the extant 'type of' properties? I
assume there isn't any has general purpose of type property... or is there?



On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 9:20 PM Athanasios Velios via Crm-sig <
crm-sig@ics.forth.gr> wrote:

> Hi George, all,
> As part of Linked Conservation Data (and with the help of Carlo, Martin
> and Steve) we proposed the idea of Typed Properties which derive from
> current CRM properties and always have E55 Type as range.
> E.g. "bears feature" → "bears feature of type" so that one can describe
> the type of something without specifying the individual. It is very
> economical in conservation where we want to avoid describing hundreds of
> individuals of similar types.
> We are still baking the exact impact of such a reduction from
> individuals to Types. One issue in RDFS is the multitude of new
> properties. There seems to be a simple implementation in OWL with
> property paths. Not an immediate solution but a flag for more to come.
> All the best,
> Thanasis
> On 14/12/2021 15:49, George Bruseker via Crm-sig wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have situations in which I have events where the data curators
> > describe events for which they have generic knowledge of the outcome:
> > sold, completed, incomplete, this sort of thing. So there is knowledge
> > but it is not knowledge of the particular next event but of a general
> > kind of outcome.
> >
> > We have properties like: P21 had general purpose (was purpose of) which
> > is very useful for when the data curator only has generic knowledge
> > knowledge and not particular knowledge regarding purpose. This seems a
> > parallel to this case.
> >
> > Anybody else have this case and have an interest in a property like 'had
> > general outcome' or 'had outcome of type' that goes from Event to a
> > Type? Or, better yet if possible, a solution that doesn't involve a new
> > property but that does meet this semantic need without too many
> contortions?
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > George
> >
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