Dear Francesco,

Please let us not confuse everything. The CRM is in no ways grounded in physics. It is grounded in the scholarly views of museum curators and a set of other disciplines dealing with historical facts of the past in careful collaborations over 25 years. Please study the history of the CRM, beginning from the Smithsonian in Washington. The CRM is compatible with GIS systems, physics, biology and othersciences, but does not describe their theories, but exclusively particular facts of the past. It includes social constructs already, and no no ways excludes social disciplines.

The only real bias of the CRM is purely technological and inevitable: Information integration via machines based on binary logic, as a means to link context-free identifiable individuals from human provided data, which form a small but important subset of historical data, which the a collaborative empirical result of the work of the CRM-SIG. This determines the modelling principles of the CRM.

If you introduce other functions or principles of modeling, we have first to understand their new epistemic function in the scientific discourse, and understand if and how binary logic based machines etc, may be able to process them epistemically correctly for the intended purpose. If you introduce other functions or principles of modeling, the model will necessarily be different from the CRM itself and possibly incompatible.

This *cannot* be discussed vi a e-mail exchange, it is too complex. Any such attempt would increase the already existing confusion of epistemic and  technological insights and necessities. We have to organize vitual face-to-face meetings for that purpose.

My previous messages where *solely* about the word "outcome" and its polysemy. I perfectly understand the word. I only tried to make the CRM audience aware of the ontological methodologic questions necessary to reveal the polysemy of this word and enable choosing the senses that can be modelled adequately. I also tried, without success, to make you aware of the extreme context dependency of any such word. If this has been misunderstood, we need to discuss this *face-to-face *with enough time. The necessary explanations and disambiguations definitely exceed my writing capacities.

Looking forward to a substantial face-to-face discussion and resolution of any misunderstanding,

Best wishes,


On 1/6/2022 9:03 PM, Francesco Beretta wrote:

Dear Martin, and (indirectly) Rob and George,

Thank you for your comments.

Le 06.01.22 à 18:13, Martin Doerr via Crm-sig a écrit :
Dear Francesco,

Your arguments well taken, I repeat:

The speech act in CRM is identical to the sale, (Acquisition), if at all the speech act has a legal character, and if at all the sale is executed via speech act, and not via e-commerce or whatsoever.

The point is: why care at all about building CRMsoc if everything is already present in CRMbase? And, furthermore, are we sure that we have a well grounded foundational analysis of social facts in CRMbase? Especially as we know that it's grounded in the epistemic view of classical physic (I mean not quantic)?  Isn't this a somehow different domain of discourse from social life as such? And shouldn't we take car not to model a domain without taking into account the paradigms of the disciplines studying the domain under consideration, i.e. social life?

Le 06.01.22 à 12:54, George Bruseker via Crm-sig a écrit :
Hi Martin,

So the context for this is that there are provenance events being described and there is categorical knowledge derivable from the source material which a researcher might want to attribute to the event on what generally happened, the event ended in a sale, didn't end in a sale etc.

The cheap and cheerful solution would just be to put this as a p2 has type... the typical solution.

It would nice to be more accurate though since the categorization isn't of the event itself but of its typical outcome. So the case that comes up here is that provenance researchers want to classify the outcomes of an event by type regardless of their knowledge of the specifics of what went on in that event (because the source material may simply not allow them to know).

In this context, as type the outcome value will be used for categorization, how many events resulted in 'sale' how many in 'not sale'.

In a real query scenario it would be asking questions like how many events of such and such a type had what kinds of outcome. Or maybe how many events with such and such a general purpose had such and such a general outcome. And then filter by time, space, people etc.

It would be very interesting to seek other examples of general outcome recording for events in other contexts and see if this is a generally useful property to define.



On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 7:28 PM Martin Doerr via Crm-sig <> wrote:

    In continuation:

    "Sold", "completed", "incomplete" are very specific things.
    Objects are offered for sale, which does not imply anything
    more than a sort of publication. Actual purchase is a reaction
    on the offer. Purchase may happen without offer. Actual change
    of ownership is modeled in the CRM. The type of the event
    itself implies per default completion, such as production,
    modification etc.

    The interesting case are processes which are known to be
    abandoned, but what that means needs further investigation: How
    much of action has been done and left historical traces?

    Processes which have not been finished during recording time
    are another case. This is notoriously difficult, and resembles
    the "current" discussions. We may need an "still ongoing",
    which should be harmonized with the time-spans.

    Unknown parameters of an event, such as purchase from unknown
    to unknown, do not need a n "outcome" property, but are just a
    specific event an object has experienced.

    Isn't it?

    Other kinds of "outcomes" can be modifications, obligations,
    receiving knowledge of, transfer of properties between
    "input-output" etc. May be it is time to study if we can create
    a relatively comprehensive list. Some events may only leave
    memory as only persistent thing, e.g. performances.

    To be discussed!😁



    On 12/31/2021 8:29 PM, Martin Doerr via Crm-sig wrote:
    Dear All,

    The missing property of outcome is so far deliberate in the
    CRM, because we could not identify a general case. In
    contrast, there are models with input-output semantics, but
    this is a very small subset.

    As in all such cases, we first need a collection of examples,
    and study if there exist common semantics, or if it splits in
    a set of more specific cases. I'd expect about 5 kinds of
    outcomes. If you give me the time, I can present in the next
    meeting some.

    All the best,


    On 12/20/2021 6:45 PM, George Bruseker via Crm-sig wrote:
    Hi Thanasi,

    The proposal creates a consistent way of doing the 'type of'
    version of a property that relates one particular to another

    So  each individual property:
    has its typed version like:


    But I contend there IS NO particular property in regular CRM
    that expresses the semantics I indicate above (therefore the
    proposal cannot generate its typed version). P21 DOES NOT
    express the semantics I need (hence also not P23).

    O13 triggers more or less does. in particular. But I need the
    generalization. Triggered an outcome of type.

    Anyhow, not sure if anyone else needs this, but very common
    in my data.


    On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 4:35 PM Athanasios Velios
    <> wrote:

        Following Athina's response and in relation to the
        question about the
        extant properties, I guess the "type of type" can be
        replicated with
        thesaurus related properties (e.g. P127 has broader
        term). I would
        consider the instances of E55 Type slightly differently
        to normal
        instances and not extent the idea to them.


        On 14/12/2021 19:42, George Bruseker wrote:
        > Hi Thanasi,
        > Yes that's true. Good reminder. That might be a
        solution but then we
        > would need the particular property for expressing that
        two events are
        > causally connected. I avoided to put it in the last
        email so as not to
        > stir up to many semantic teapots. But obviously to have
        the general
        > property we should have the particular property. So we
        have for example
        > we have the particular properties:

        > and

        > so the analogy to this in my situation is probably
        > O13 triggers (is triggered by)

        > and we need the analogy of p21 to make the model
        > On another note out of curiosity, in the extension
        where every property
        > has a 'type of' property what happens with the extant
        'type of'
        > properties? I assume there isn't any has general
        purpose of type
        > property... or is there?
        > Cheers
        > G
        > On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 9:20 PM Athanasios Velios via
        > < <>> wrote:
        >     Hi George, all,
        >     As part of Linked Conservation Data (and with the
        help of Carlo, Martin
        >     and Steve) we proposed the idea of Typed Properties
        which derive from
        >     current CRM properties and always have E55 Type as
        >     E.g. "bears feature" → "bears feature of type" so
        that one can describe
        >     the type of something without specifying the
        individual. It is very
        >     economical in conservation where we want to avoid
        >     hundreds of
        >     individuals of similar types.
        >     We are still baking the exact impact of such a
        reduction from
        >     individuals to Types. One issue in RDFS is the
        multitude of new
        >     properties. There seems to be a simple
        implementation in OWL with
        >     property paths. Not an immediate solution but a
        flag for more to come.
        >     All the best,
        >     Thanasis
        >     On 14/12/2021 15:49, George Bruseker via Crm-sig wrote:
        >      > Hi all,
        >      >
        >      > I have situations in which I have events where
        the data curators
        >      > describe events for which they have generic
        knowledge of the
        >     outcome:
        >      > sold, completed, incomplete, this sort of thing.
        So there is
        >     knowledge
        >      > but it is not knowledge of the particular next
        event but of a
        >     general
        >      > kind of outcome.
        >      >
        >      > We have properties like: P21 had general purpose
        (was purpose of)
        >     which
        >      > is very useful for when the data curator only
        has generic knowledge
        >      > knowledge and not particular knowledge regarding
        purpose. This
        >     seems a
        >      > parallel to this case.
        >      >
        >      > Anybody else have this case and have an interest
        in a property
        >     like 'had
        >      > general outcome' or 'had outcome of type' that
        goes from Event to a
        >      > Type? Or, better yet if possible, a solution
        that doesn't involve
        >     a new
        >      > property but that does meet this semantic need
        without too many
        >     contortions?
        >      >
        >      > Best,
        >      >
        >      > George
        >      >
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      Dr. Martin Doerr
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      Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
      Institute of Computer Science
      Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
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      GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
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    Crm-sig mailing list

-- ------------------------------------
      Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
      Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
      Institute of Computer Science
      Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
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      GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
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    Crm-sig mailing list

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Crm-sig mailing list

  Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
  Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
Vox:+30(2810)391625 Web-site:

Crm-sig mailing list

 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
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