Dear all,

As you may have seen on the agenda <>that was shared yesterday, Muriel has offered to open the meeting with a hands-on workshop concerning the use of modeling constructs involving Space-time Volumes.

The workshop will consist of two parts: first a guided tour of the university campus at Belval that is situated on a reclaimed industrial site, followed by the actual seminar on using spatiotemporal modeling constructs. The campus at Belval forms part of a vast regeneration process in the area, which aimed at preserving the industrial sites that were integrated in the new city. Following the visit to the repurposed industrial sites, participants will work together in small groups in order to model the evolution of the heritage site they previously visited. They will have access to all the relevant information needed to complete the task plus a relatively small set of CIDOC CRM classes and properties to select from. The overall modeling exercise will take up approximately 30 minutes, followed by another 30 minutes of comparing results across teams.

If you are interested to participate, please fill in the form below.

Nb. the workshop requires attendees to be physically present.

Link to form here <>.


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