Dear all,

In the work with the cleanup of the definition document for CRMarcheo, I found 
a comment (written by myself)  next to

AP5 removed part or all of (was partially or totally removed by)

 Excavation Processing Unit

 Stratigraphic Unit

Subproperty of:  P31 has modified (was modified by)

The comment is as follows (17.09.2020):

DECISION: the sig will start a new issue regarding the superproperty of AP5. 
Candidates involve P31 has modified (D: E11 Modification; R: E18 Physical 
Thing). Any decision will affect the definition of A1 Excavation Process[ing] 
Unit ( see issue 446).
The new issue should be of a more general interest than the particulars of 
AP5’s superproperty, and address the question of declaring superproperties in 
the CRMbase exclusively (to the extent it’s possible) or across family models.
HW: CEO (?) to check the CRMbase properties that generalize to CRM extensions. 
(this is the content of new issue)

Which issue is the 'new issue' referred to?


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