On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Dennis Hübner <dennis.hueb...@itemis.de>wrote:

> All projects contribute the latest finished release they have,
> dependencies are reconciled, some cross-testing happens and it’s out. Every
> month, there is a repo with versions of all participating projects that are
> known to work together. Users are happy because they only need to check for
> updates from the aggregate repository that delivers new stuff to them
> frequently. Projects are happy because they can set schedules that make
> sense for their needs and if they miss one deadline, the next opportunity
> is not that far away.
> Finally a good idea!
> I think this is exactly what projects and users want.
> Being up-to-date makes aggregation repositories (look at maven
> central) valuable.

I like this proposal. IMO releasing often is a good thing.

Personally I most often use an M-build of the platform mixed with a recent
of those projects I am contributing to in order to experience what's coming
At $DAYJOB we are releasing every 2 weeks.

So far we (JGit/EGit) did a release every 3 months shipping a major release
with SR0
and minor releases with SR1, SR2 and an additional one in Dec which doesn't
a release train delivery. If we would get the chance to release more often
I'd like to
participate in that, though I am not sure if we would be able to create a
new release
every month so e.g. during vacation time it may happen that we would not
ship a new

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