IMO, we now have tools (Hudson) to guarantee a good quality for integration build and putting us on the way to rolling release and continuous delivery. For SWTBot, I have to admit that making a release is just a "marketing" effort in order to make some blog posts and tweets, because of its good test suite, any snapshot which has tests working is better than the last release. It's actually a continuous delivery on the snapshots, and I've already recommended people to use snapshots many times because it's better than previous release and I don't have time to spend on the release right now. Basically, almost every snapshot could become a release when you can trust your test suite.

Allowing project to have rolling-release/continuous-delivery was something Andrew already mentioned on the CBI mailing-list, and I think it's a good way to go for some projects. It's all the more true when projects don't have a schedule or a roadmap because they're community-driven, and change when community wants it to change.

When it comes to "release train", we should understand that as a quality label which is given once a year: being part of release train means that the version of your project you submit does conform to release train requirements/level of quality. It should not (and AFAI Understand, it does not) enforce a schedule for any project: a project that wants 3 releases in one year can do it, and project that did not have a release in previous year can resubmit an older version to release train.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
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