
Am 03.07.2013 um 00:33 schrieb Henrik Rentz-Reichert <h...@protos.de>:

> some more considerations:
> If we accelerate the release cycle this would also put an extra burden on the 
> Eclipse legal staff, PMO and EMO (IP log approvals, release reviews...)
> Also, in my experience I need to start this process several weeks prior to 
> the planned release.
> A frozen IP log though means that I can't integrate 3rd party contributions 
> any more into the upcoming release.
> Thoughts?

I wouldn't call it "burden" but "challenges". EMO (aka. Wayne) is already doing 
a great job of automating and streamlining as much of this as possible. We 
shouldn't plan our releases based on the process but optimize our process to 
allow for more frequent releases.

+1 to the general idea.

Big +1 to the idea of an "always current" aggregation repo that I can go to and 
fetch updates from. For me as a user it would be really nice to not track all 
projects individually.

The annual release still makes sense, though. It could become a stable baseline 
for LTS.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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