Object Teams will no longer participate in Simrel, but release on its own schedule moving forward.

I have already removed objectteams.aggrcon early in the cycle [1].

Please remove it from your list.


[1] https://git.eclipse.org/c/simrel/org.eclipse.simrel.build.git/commit/?id=2f15768281d0f2b9f96ceea9fc351b48549c6e4f

On 27.08.20 20:50, Wayne Beaton wrote:
I've created the tracking page for 2020-09 <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2020-09>. Please have a look to ensure that I've correctly recorded your project's participation correctly.

In particular, please make sure that I have the version right. If I've made a mistake... please first make sure that you've created a release record for the right version and then let me know to update the tracking page to point to that version.

If you are contributing a new major or minor release and have not engaged in a release review since September 16/2019, then you need to submit your IP Log and connect with EMO ASAP to initiate the release review process. Note that you only need to submit your IP Log for review if you are required to engage in a release review. There's more information in the handbook <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#release>.

Based on messages on this list, both Eclipse Corrosion, Eclipse EMFStore, and Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (CFT) have dropped out, so they've been removed from the list.

*AFAICT, the corrosion.aggrcon file still exists and is not disabled.* Also, since CFT has dropped out, its aggrcon file should also be removed (not just disabled). Can somebody take care of that, please?

Thanks for all your efforts.


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Join us at our virtual event: EclipseCon 2020 <https://www.eclipsecon.org/2020>- October 20-22

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