I believe that I've made all the updates that are possible.

For those projects that owe us a release record, please let me know when
that release record is created and I'll update the page.

AFAICT, I have three Planning Council +1s. I have optimistically added
Eclipse JustJ to the participation list in anticipation of receiving a
couple more +1s and no -1s.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 2:50 PM Wayne Beaton <
wayne.bea...@eclipse-foundation.org> wrote:

> I've created the tracking page for 2020-09
> <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2020-09>. Please have a look to
> ensure that I've correctly recorded your project's participation correctly.
> In particular, please make sure that I have the version right. If I've
> made a mistake... please first make sure that you've created a release
> record for the right version and then let me know to update the tracking
> page to point to that version.
> If you are contributing a new major or minor release and have not engaged
> in a release review since September 16/2019, then you need to submit your
> IP Log and connect with EMO ASAP to initiate the release review process.
> Note that you only need to submit your IP Log for review if you are
> required to engage in a release review. There's more information in the
> handbook <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#release>.
> Based on messages on this list, both Eclipse Corrosion, Eclipse EMFStore,
> and Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (CFT) have dropped out, so they've been
> removed from the list.
> *AFAICT, the corrosion.aggrcon file still exists and is not disabled.* Also,
> since CFT has dropped out, its aggrcon file should also be removed (not
> just disabled). Can somebody take care of that, please?
> Thanks for all your efforts.
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
> Join us at our virtual event: EclipseCon 2020
> <https://www.eclipsecon.org/2020> - October 20-22


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Join us at our virtual event: EclipseCon 2020
<https://www.eclipsecon.org/2020> - October 20-22
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