
>  The first one allow you to summon pet that are of lower
level that the
> current pet you can summon. It is mainly a one line patch
that use the
> same argument that create food or create weapon use.

Saw it on SF, sounds ok.

>  The second one allow to use argument with the cast command
so that you
> can use:

Isn't there already a field in player structure for spell
argument? used when spells have delays, iirc.

>  Now, I plan to create Enchant Ring and Enchant Amulet
scrolls that
> would work like Enchant Weapon, but because it demands a
little more work
> than for the 2 previous patch, I'd like to know if those
scrolls would
> be Ok. I'd like to also implement think like Improve
resistance to `foo'
> for Weapons, but once again, would that be Ok?

I'd say you must take care of the overall game balance.
Rings and amulets may already be quite powerful, probably
don't want to give too much new & powerful stuff.
As for resistances, i'd say rather no. Unless well though, it
could lead to have really high resistances almost everywhere,
thus making everything too easy.

>  And at least, I have a question, does there exists a way to
force the
> client to wear a particular holy symbol whenever possible.
Right now,
> whenever I change skill, even if I do not need any object to
get my new
> skill, my holy symbol is unapplied, which is quite a problem
when the
> holy symbol does a lot more than give the skill praying...

Afaik no. And yes it's quite a pain.
Maybe something to change, ie whenever you cast a spell or
something a talisman is autoapplied.


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