ERACC wrote:

On Thursday 29 September 2005 08:21 am
Benjamin Lerman wrote:

The second one allow to use argument with the cast command so that you
can use:

cast create food waybread
cast summon pet monster spider

Isn't this what 'invoke is meant to do? If 'cast will do it now then
why have 'invoke? Seems to me we should either leave 'cast as is or
make that change and remove 'invoke. There is no reason to have both.
I vote to leave 'cast as is because I have an oodle of key bindings
using 'invoke. :-)
Well, there are many times I prefer invoke for things were I don't want to add a argument. Such as quickly using word of recall without risk of using it more than once by accident.

Alex Schultz

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