Todd Mitchell wrote:

I just tried it out, fantastic! - just having the ability to block walking but allow missiles will add greatly to the game. There is now quite a bit of map work ahead to take advantage of this. Whole groups of monsters just got a new lease on life. I am drooling over the walls lined with archers, the moats with catapults on the other side, those nasty skeletal mages on the far platforms between you and the exit!

AS a note, it appears that in the old code, the some monsters (ghosts) were suppose to pass through walls and the like.

I'm thinking adding yet another movement type (ethereal) might be in order. Treasure rooms can be protected with walls that block everything, but other maps can be set so that walls don't block ethereal travel. Thus, ghosts would go through walls, and the player could also (I'd suggest items that allow ethereal movement perhaps be limited to potions only, as having permanent items of player possessed spells that do it would probably be too powerful).

We will need some new wall arches also to indicate overhanging walls which block missiles and magic.

In addition, I think you just need low walls to denote you can't walk over them, but missiles over them.

 Might actually make jump skill useful again.

Also looking at that how do spell movement types play in this? Some spells should walk(wave) and some should fly (fireball), and some do both (poison clouds)? - I haven't checked how this can work but it would increase the usefullness of differnet spells in different situations. If you cast a barrier against missiles (a wall spell that blocks flying) it would be effective against arrows and stuff, but maybe it shouldn't block a ground based cone spell...

Most all spells are set with the movement type of flying. Spells could be updated to have other movement types (walking, and one could even imagine some water based spells that do swimming).

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