On 10/18/05, Lalo Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And so says Brendan Lally on 10/18/2005 09:19 AM...
> > Is there actually a proper set of lore for the various gods in crossfire?
> >
> > If so, where is it?
> It was a pet project I was working on, many, many years ago.  It's on
> the wiki.  It's not by any means official.  And I only did Gaea, Valriel
> and Gorokh versions (although it's possible that followers of other gods
> subscribe to the Gaean version, it was written with that intention).

Yeah, I was thinking in terms of inside the game.

possibly however this stuff should go into the handbook?

> If anyone actually finds them interesting, I'm game for making
> improvements or writing more stuff.

It certainly looks interesting, there are a few grammatical oddities
(things like teached instead of taught), but I'll wait until there is
a wiki with revision control until I fix them (speaking of which, when
is that expected?)

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