The value of a gold bar shouldn't be it's setvalue and
gold spot combination. It should only be the gold
spot. That won't work. Also we shouldn't use the
materials thing for value.

--- Brendan Lally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1/3/06, Miguel Ghobangieno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > It would be nice to beable to set in for instance:
> >
> > Object goldbar
> > name goldbar
> > weight 10000
> > value gold
> >
> > Object goldcoin
> > name goldcoin
> > weight 10 (or whatever it is)
> > value gold
> >
> > that way the value will be * by the current value
> to
> > weight ration (in thiscase 1/1)
> This is an interesting idea, and one I hadn't
> thought of before.
> Probably for ease of parsing however, it would need
> to be a new
> property 'valued_as'?
> maybe that should be in addition to the value field?
> For example, a
> gold necklace might have a fixed value based on the
> workmanship of the
> necklace, plus an inherent value based on the weight
> of the gold.
> The final value then would be the combination of the
> two. This would
> also scale nicely to enchanted weapons and the like.
> For example a sword could be valued_as steel, with a
> value of 20 (say)
> but a sword +1 might have a value of 1000, and a
> sword -1 a value of
> -500 (this would require negative values, but allow
> in principle that
> a player could make money by melting down cursed
> items, and reforming
> them.
> The questions then become, is it better to hijack
> the 'material' value
> for that, and what effect would that have on the
> things that material
> is currently used for?
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