On 1/3/06, Miguel Ghobangieno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So should we keep it at 1:10. Put it at 2:10 or 4:10 ?
> (or 3:10 ? (odd numbers are unfun at division though))

I'm inclined to think that if this is going to be done, then their
would need to be a currency system independent of the values of the
individual coins.

Instead of using gold, silver and platinum, define a unit and one or
two subunits, give them absolute values, and then make gold, silver
and platinum coins worth some value relative to that. (maybe even a
sliding value)

so, if we take something like the old spanish system, where there is
the dollar/peso, (or 'pieces of eight' as they were called), each
being worth 8 reals, which in turn is worth 85 maravedíes (depending
on /which/ real you are refering to, but you only need to pick one).

In that case then, value 1 would be a maravedies, prices would be
given in terms of dollars, reals, and maravedies, and silver gold and
platinum would have values that floated about that, with a whole slew
of other coins as well.

To extend this line of reasoning further, if these were tied to areas
of the game world, it would allow macro-economic effects, as various
currancies became debased due to economic pressure (something that
happened quite frequently in the past - the real was originally 3

This would also lead to a somewhat evil way to control wealth
acquisition, just hyper-inflate the coinage or commodities most of the
wealth is being stored in. (not that anyone would do that of

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