Except that you are not working on one section of the
code, you are restructuring the whole server into
diffrent modules. This means that if you develop in
cvs there will be breakage with any and everyone else
as you sweeping edits touch every facet of the glory
that is crossfire.

The C in CVS may mean concurrent but it doesn't mean

If you want to make the sweeping changes on your own
system; enjoy. But please, before committing to cvs do
extensive bugtesting so that it 1) doesn't make the
code any slower, 2) doesn't break anything, and 3)
maybe makes MS less of a hog?

--- Yann Chachkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Indeed. Just because the server can be modularized
> thus blocking any other new development whilst that
> takes place doesn't mean it's a good idea. 
> There is no reason to block any other development. I
> suppose you know that the "C" in "CVS" means
> "Concurrent" ?
> > I for one frown on the idea of making the server
> slower 
> There is no reason that it would be slower than it
> is now. There are no reason for a modularized system
> to be slower than the current version. The only
> overhead would be when connecting callbacks to
> objects - and that's hardly something you'd notice,
> unless if you're running Crossfire on a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > and blocking other development.
> I think I already said it, but there is no reason to
> "block other developments". Everybody who has
> already worked in large-scale software projects
> knows that parallel development on different parts
> of the code is a rather common practice. 
> That you believe that only a single task can be
> performed at once on something like the Crossfire
> code shows that you urgently need to get better
> informed on software development/engineering
> techniques and more generally on modern teamwork
> methods.
> For what is worth, I could already be working on a
> code prototype on my personal workstation - would
> you ever notice it before I submit a patch ? Would
> it prevent somebody else to add something in the
> code in the meantime ? The answer to both of those
> questions would appear obvious, I think, to every
> reasonable person.
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