Le Mercredi 18 Janvier 2006 18:25, Anton Oussik a écrit :

>Also if some module segfaults, it will not need a restart of the whole
>server, but simply of that module. This should aid the server
>stability, as "something wrong when casting meteor swarm resulting in
>the spell not working" will not disturb someone else killing dragons
>in a dungeon.

Well ,technically, as a plugin is loaded in the process memory area and share 
the process pid, a segfault in module mean a segfault in whole server (we are 
not in java where you cant do a catch (Throwable t)

>Having the code highly modular also will mean each module can be
>started as a seperate process (or thread, but that is slightly less
>portable, if somewhat faster), making it possible to run the server
>usefully on SMP systems (or even clusters), and therefore potentially
>much faster than the speed at which the current server runs.

Of course when code is modular at this point you can think about 
multiprocesses interaction and all sort of stuff ;) but that's not, i think 
an immediate aim :) (and yes, in this case a segfault in a module is not a 
segfault in core processe :p)

>I don't know if this is what is wanted, but the advantages seem tempting to
> me.

to me too, but for having already explored possibilities of multithreading cf, 
you have to fix before lots of potential concurrency issues :)

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