Be carefull with this, you probably want to check the weapon improvement
code. To increase from nothing to str+1, you not only need str potion
(3*aimed level if i remember well?) but you have to prepare the weapon
by sacrificing a good amount of diamonds.

You can also make a difficulty roll on the skill based on skill level,
with the risk to badly alter the ring if failed.
I like the idea of creating ring, but your suggested costs if far too
small considering the power you have when you create the ring!
Also, rings amulets and improved weapons are a good way to ge over the
race limitation on characteristic. If you make it too easy to create
improved rings, like ring (str+3)(for+3)(wis+3)(resist paralysis
+100)(resist fire +100)(resist cold +100) (resist electricity+100)

creating ring bringing XP? That's discussable, that mean in the end, the
xp can be bought :/ (buy rings, ingredients, modify some rings, you got
XP without getting in danger...). But that could be ok, considering you
can also do that reading books...
Robin Redeker a écrit :

>today i've had some ideas about the jeweler skill: What if a jeweler
>could _change_ existing rings. For example he could improve a ring
>(resist acid+12) in to a ring (resist acid+30) or even acid+50? (not
>sure about this, does it break balancing?).
>These improvements could be done by assigning combinations of
>ingredients for example:
>   potion of strenght + 1 emerald + 1 sapphire + [any ring] 
>   = ring [any attributes] (Str+1).
>   or: potion of resist paralyze + N rubies + [any ring]
>   => adds N resistnacy points to paralysation to the ring.
>I only need some ideas how to scale this ability to the level of the
>skill. IMHO improving a ring should work from level 1 on, so the player
>can gain experience. Maybe the item_power or the number of improvements
>of a ring could go into the calculation. (Like the scroll level in the
>      inscription skill).
>I will propably write a perl plugin when i find some time for it and
>the question with the level is cleared.
>This would greatly improve the usability of the jeweler skill and could
>also help player shops to be a lot more useful...
>Robin Redeker
>crossfire mailing list

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